N. de la R.: Por entender que quienes deben recibir, comprender y actuar en función del mensaje esquelense "NO es NO", han tenido dificultades lógicas con el idioma castellano y tal vez ello ha dificultado la comunicación de la idea de emisor (la gente de Esquel) a receptor (todo aquél vinculado directa o indirectamente con los proyectos de explotación de la minería a cielo abierto, hemos buscado una explicación en el idioma de Shakespeare que quizá logren captar "loud and clear" (fuerte y clara).
La fuente es:y, en algunos párrafos centrales expresa:
Mining is a highly aggressive activity not only towards the natural environment but also the social environment.
- Among its consequences is not only the destruction of the mine surface by the movement of great quantities of materials but also deforestation, the contamination of water supplies, as they are exploited in during the ore removal process, and the formation of lagoons of contaminated water.
- The "waste" material from the evacuations remains at the sight, like a giant rubbish heap, destroying the beauty of the landscape forever.
- The removal of large quantities of earth and rock also contaminates the air. This pollution is the result of not only suspended dust, but also because certain rocks left in the open air oxidize, releasing toxins.
- This same process can also contaminate underground water supplies, as well as causing cave-ins.
- Regarding its societal impact, generally the mine displaces the other economic activities of the area, with little regard to the importance of the previous activities. Additionally, it creates temporary human settlements as the people who come to work on the mine, attracted by the promise of secure work, do not stay in the area beyond the conclusion of the project.
- Since the people who arrive to work do not put down roots in the community, it is difficult for them to develop a conscience of protection for the environment or to be responsible for the future of their surroundings.
Consequently, many times a division develops between neighbours who are "permanent" and those "of the mine."
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